EBook: Unlock the potential of generative AI with Azure OpenAI

You have a vision to transform your business using generative AI but need a solid strategy and a secure platform to make it happen. We can help you begin your journey.

This eBook offers insights and an actionable multi-year implementation roadmap to unlock the potential of generative AI for your business. By leveraging Azure OpenAI as your core generative AI platform, you will get access to secure and customizable AI models that will accelerate and future proof your implementation.

With this eBook, you will learn:

  • What generative AI is and why it matters for your business,
  • What the different generative AI large language models available today and their applications are,
  • How to use Azure OpenAI to create high-quality content for multiple use cases,
  • How to build a multi-year generative AI strategy including a step-by-step maturity roadmap, a comprehensive risk assessment, and its associated mitigation strategies, and
  • How to get started with FractalGPT, a fast-to-deploy and customizable solution that safeguards your data and IP on Azure OpenAI

Get started on your generative AI journey today by downloading the eBook: “Unlock the potential of generative AI with Azure OpenAI” and learn how to transform your business with this revolutionary new technology.

Download the eBook